Date of Birth |
1811-11-27 | |||
Place of Birth | Zielątkowo | ||||
Date of Death | 1887-10-06 | ||||
Place of Death | Poznań | ||||
Pseudonym and cryotonym | B. M. | ||||
Familiar relationshps |
ID: dw.56238 | ||||
VIAF ID | 102058407 | ||||
Public Domain: Wikimedia |
Bibianna Moraczewska was born in 1811 in Zielątkowo, near Oborniki. She is mostly known as a political and social activist, patriot, and public life organizer; which she did alongside her brother Jędrzej Moraczewski. She is lesser known as a writer and author of a few works and moral-historical short stories, which were published in the columns of the Dziennik Domowy newspaper, specifically in the years 1840-1847. She was the daughter of landowners Tomasz, and Józefa of the Kierski family. After selling their estate in 1840 (or perhaps 1841), she lived for two years in Naramowice, not far from Poznan; and in Poznan with her brother, Jędrzej, from the year 1842. Their house was a center for patriotic and social life, as well as a center of literary and intellectual movements, as well as a place for emigrants. Moraczewska led a very social and nationalistic intensive career. She was in contact with emigration centers, distributed the newspaper and political writings, forwarded correspondences, distributed forbidden books and magazines, ran agency for articles to be accepted by newspapers in Poznan, took care of the wounded from the 1863 uprising, and worked with female enthusiasts; including Narcyza Żmichowska, who she remained in contact with for many years. She was also an outstanding organizer of great projects. Consequently, she accomplished her goals. She had a lot of energy, sense of equality, and liked rigor and discipline. Because of this, she was portrayed in the introductory image in the story Poganka (Pagan Girl) as Felicja, representing an individual who participated in emancipatory actions in all spheres; although, the image was a bit egotistical.
Moraczweska’s correspondence with Żmichowska lasted 32 years, with small breaks, from 1844 to 1876; which was discovered solely from their letters to each other. Joint beliefs, patriotic and social ideals, and intellectual passion joined them together. They belonged to the first generation of female Polish emancipators, consciously preferring a solo and independent life, and fulfilling civic duties alongside their male contemporaries. In the sphere of their public involvement, and without the use of feminist protests, they effectively realized their rights to intellectual development and love; traditionally and romantically speaking. However, their personal contact with each other was rather rare.
Moraczewska left countless articles in the newspaper in Poznan and in Warsaw, as well as a small collection of letters. Her diary, containing entries from 1836 to 1842, and from 1855 to 1863, was released in print as a book by her cousin in 1911. Earlier it was published in the newspaper Przegląd Wielkopolski.
Included in the list of her published novels and “popular works” is her novel Dwóch rodzonych braci (The Two Half Brothers), parts 1 and 2; Co się działo w Polsce od samego początku aż do pierwszego rozbioru kraju (What Happened in Poland from The Very Beginning up until The First Partition of The Country); Co się stało w Polsce od pierwszego jej rozbioru, aż do końca wojen za cesarza Napoleona (What Happened in Poland from The First Partition up until The End of The Napoleonic Wars); Taka była wola Boża (This Was God’s Will); Dwa pogrzeby (Two Funerals); Kilka wypadków z młodości generała Madalińskiego (A Few Accounts from The Young Years of General Madaliński); Ojciec Cyryl profesorem, Stanisław Strawiński (Father Cyryl The Professor, Stanisław Strawiński); Konfederat Barski (Bar Confederation); Dwa obrazki z życia tułacza (Two Images from The Life of A Wanderer); Chwila widzenia (A Moment of Seeing). All of these works, signed under the initials B.F., are not highly artistic works. They are written in a straightforward language that is understandable, and in a style that eases their popularization. In addition, their themes are simple and are not very attractive. They tell a sad and difficult love story of various people, presenting historical accounts of nations, inhabitants of small manors, the countryside, and monasteries.
Bibianna Moraczewska’s literary works about nationalism and religion, with an inserted love storyline, belong to her more popular texts addressed to all those interested in women’s issues and fates of the homeland. Their fictional layouts were compositionally uncomplicated, and did not require careful interpretation that unveiled a hidden sense. The author knew her truth and wanted to share and convey it to the reader. She portrayed national heroes and strong, independent and resourceful women. The constitutive components of her texts were a precise determination of the common hero, common environments, and action in the form of realia, which was accessible to the reader and, in time, the reader’s contemporaries. Her poetics and straightforward way of telling a story about simple artistic craftsmanship were set up to appease the fundamental needs of readers, draw their attention to a proper and worthy life, teach and convey simplicity, and appease social and psychological needs. These are works of an educational nature which ensure comprehension and easy communication with the reader. Moraczewska’s writings do not subject themselves to esthetic and educated criteria in high literature. She died on October, 6th, 1887 in Poznan, and was buried in Cmentarz Zasłużonych Wielkopolan (Cemetery of Distinguished People of Greater Poland).
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Co się działo w Polsce od samego początku aż do pierwszego rozbioru kraju, Poznań, N. Kamieński, 1852.
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Author biography: Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka