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Zofia Kowerska

Zofia kowerska fotografia Date of Birth       1845-12-11
Place of Birth       Wronów
Date of Death       1929-03-20
Place of Death       Warszawa
Pseudonym and cryptonym       Z.K.; ***
Familiar relationships

ID: 12.61.44 
Córka - Zofia Antonina Kowerska - pisarka

VIAF ID       102001406
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Album pisarzy polskich (współczesnych).
[Seria 2] s. 80










Zofia Kowerska was born in 1845 in Wronów and died in 1929 in Warsaw. She was the oldest daughter of Józef Przwłocki and his wife Zofia from the Koźman family. Kowerska was a Polish storywriter, novelist and literary critic whose works flourished at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Her life and literary career are examples of social and patriotic activism, which were very characteristic of many authors during this period.
Zofia descended from a noble family, which had an influence on her social and patriotic sensitivity. Along with her younger brothers, she was home-schooled under the instruction of an enthusiastic teacher. Her mother was musically talented and an education activist. She was raised in the spirit of patriotism, which played a significant role in the young Zofia’s education of values and principles. She also led classes secretly in the underground village school, to which she also brought her daughter and sons. As punishment for their underground social and pedagogical aid, the Przewłoski family was sent into exile from 1863 to 1867. After coaxing from her mother, Sofia married Stefan Kowerski in 1893. Stefan published the handwritten newspaper “Nowy Babin” in exile, containing his personal articles and letters. After their marriage, they moved to Vilnius, and in 1867, they were released from exile and returned to their homeland. When the Kowerski family settled in Lubelszczyzna, they substantially enlarged their estate by farming and expanding the Józef family farm. At this time, Zofia was very active and occupied herself with the farm and raising children. Apart from performing charity work, she worked on her literary works. Zofia’s husband gathered a valuable book collection dedicated to his wife’s creative accomplishments. Zofia debuted in 1873 with her story Historia o nieśmiałej dziewczynie (eng. History of A Shy Girl), which paved the path of a literary career for her and foreshadowed her future success as a writer. The story portrayed her talent for creating characters, who were filled with emotion and capabilities. This aspect would later become a common theme in her works. Zofia’s literary output also includes short stories, novels and literary critiques, which shows her versatility and deep engagement in literature. Not long after Zofia’s debut, she published the novel Bracia z wyboru (eng. Brothers of Choice) in 1879, which also brought her popularity. In the novel, the writer explores topics of loyalty, friendship and moral choices, gaining recognition from readers and critics. The later work O wychowaniu macierzyńskim (eng. On Maternal Raising) received an award and was published in the magazine “Bluszcz '' in 1881. Zofia raised questions about education and the role of a mother in the process of raising, calling back to her own experiences and Polish, and foreign, pedagogical literature. Her next literary work describes the governments of Bismarck, entitled Wydalona (eng. Expelled) in 1886. The work was entered into the “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” competition and received an award. Being an award winner of literary competitions was a sign of her growing recognition, with which she was pleased. Although Zofia was active in the press and published articles of an educational-patriotic nature, her literary output also covered customary novels and short stories. Besides the idealized heroes in her stories, Zofia also humorously portrayed negative attributes of people based on her own observations. Her works are characterized as a deep analysis on social problems, sensitivity towards fates of the individual, and patriotism. She was interested in the relationships between court and village people, and she praised people who were bold, active and dedicated themselves to others. Her interest in the fates of the working class came to fruition in the release of her next short stories: Z życia Jasia, Na noclegu (eng. From The Life of Jaś, for An Overnight Stay) in 1891, and Z pamiętnika ornitologa (eng. From An Ornithologist Diary) in 1900. In this short story, Zofia presents motifs that are in line with her actions and life. In the form of the diary of researcher Jan Szewłowski, known scientist, Zofia describes how landowners rate academics and how they perceive them. Through the trials of the main protagonist, she conveys marital mechanisms, the intentions of salon flirts, and exchanges of pleasantries; often in a humoristic, ironic, or malicious way. She reveals the thoughts and feelings of the protagonists, especially Mrs. Kryspina Morska, who openly conveys her brutally honest views. Critics emphasize that the convictions of the female protagonist lead to a terrific observation about Zofia and her ability to present female characters in her works.
Lublin, her most beloved region, is a common setting across many of her short stories and novels. The events in her short story Ofiara (eng. The Victim) take place in Lublin and the events in her novel Siostry (eng. The Sisters) take place partly in Nałęczów. In addition, her drama O ziemię (eng. About The Earth) was performed, and printed, in Lublin after World War I in 1922.
Zofia also received special recognition for her work on the education of village children. For more than 40 years (about 1840-1888), she was dedicated to leading classes in her home for peasant children, despite threats and conducted searches. Members of her household, including Przewłocki’s children, also helped in the education of these children and later founded their own schools in Józwów and Wola, taking after the teaching model of their mother and grandmother. The school led by Zofia’s mother (Zofia Przewłocka) was unique in the Lublin region and may have been one of few in the whole country. Unfortunately, uniforms from insurgents were found on her property, and she was subsequently arrested, imprisoned and exiled to Russia for helping partisans. She was also a known courier. She opened a hospital for the wounded and aided them after the battle of Fajsławice. After two years in exile for the Siemianowice circle of Lower Novgrod, she returned and continued working in her school, thanks to the intercession of relatives and close friends.
Despite the fact that Zofia Kowerska is a lesser-known figure in Polish literature, her works are a valuable addition to Polish culture and literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The literary works that she left behind focus on social problems, education and patriotism; which reflect the spirit of the age. They also bear witness to the engagement of intellectuals in social and national life in Poland.


Anioł pokoju, " Kurier Codzienny", 1892, nr 356.
Anioł pokoju, "Kurier Lwowski", 1892, nr 363.
Bezdzietni, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1890, nr 3-6.
Bracia z wyboru, "Biblioteka Warszawska", 1897, t. 3, s. 189-223; 381-415; t. 4, 23-56; 226-264; 381-411; 1898, t. 1, s. 112-136; 189-221; 381-422; t. 2, 17-46; 193-219.
Bracia z wyboru, "Czas", 1898, nr 1-157.
Bracia z wyboru: powieść. T. 1., Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff; 1899.
Bracia z wyboru: powieść. T. 2., Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1899.
Dla Anusi, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1896, nr 289-301; 1897, nr 1-11.
Dzidzia,"Przegląd (Lwów)", 1891, nr 19-45.
Dzidzia; Lew i myszy; Bezdzietni; Z poezyj szpitala, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1893.
Dzielny chłopiec: powieść z życia młodzieży, Bytom, Górnoślązak, 1908.
Dzielny chłopiec: powieść dla młodzieży, Wyd. 3., Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, 1924.
Gałązka oliwna, "Gazeta Warszawska",1902, nr 165-171.
Gałązka oliwna, "Głos Narodu". 1902, nr 165-171.
Iluzja, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1895, nr 52-77.
Iluzya: opowiadania, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1896. Wyd. 2 1897.
Iluzja, Warszawa, Fundacja Festina Lente, 2013.
Irena, "Biblioteka Warszawska" 1891, t. 2, s. 501-534; t. 3, s. 18-57; 259-293; 454-485; t. 4; 1-32.
Jagunia, "Kurier Codzienny", 1890, nr 128-134.
Jan Porębski, "Kurier Codzienny", 1890, nr 17-21.
Kaprysy, "Gazeta Warszawska", 1895, nr 279-331.
Lew i mysz, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1889, nr 204-223.
Losy Adasia; Ofiara; Ona: powieści dla młodzieży, Warszawa, M. Arct, [1898].
Marzyciel, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1896, nr 57-155.
Na cichej wsi: powieść, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1923.
Na noclegu, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1891, nr 272-274.
Na służbie, "Biblioteka Warszawska", 1895, t. 1, s. 29-74; 193-223; 409-447; t. 2, s. 1-30; 238-267; t. 3, s. 1-28; 209-237.
Na służbie, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1895, nr 129-264.
Na służbie: powieść. T. 1, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1896.
Na służbie: powieść. T. 2, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1896.
Najmłodszy: opowiadanie na tle wojny europejskiej, Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, Tow. Polskiej Macierzy Szkolnej, 1921.
Nie odpadła, "Gazeta Polska", 1881, nr 193-194.
O Marysi sierocie: opowiadanie z czasu cholery, nagrodzone na konkursie Gazety Światecznéj w roku 1893, Warszawa, Księgarnia Krajowa K. Prószyńskiego, 1895.
Organista, "Pamiętnik Kielecki",1898, s. 248-251.
Pani Anielska: legenda, "Ognisko" 1913, nr 10, s. 223-225, nr 11, s.245-247.
Pani Anielska: legenda, Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, 1917.
Pani Anielska: legenda, Warszawa, Kat. Tow. Wydaw. "Kronika Rodzinna", 1933.
Pierwszy bal, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1902, nr 289-290; 1903, nr 1-13.
Podlotek, "Kurier Codzienny", 1898, nr 298, s. 323-327, nr 298, odc.1; nr 323, odc.16, nr. 327, odc. 20.
Podlotek, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1899, nr 4-39.
Podlotek i inne nowele, Kraków, Spółka Wydawnicza Polska, 1902.
Poezje pani Konopnickiej, "Gazeta Polska", 1882, nr 31
Powieści, Kraków, Spółka Wydawnicza Polska, 1899. (Dla Anusi ; Z życia Jasia ; Na noclegu ; Wydalona).
Prawdziwe bogactwo: trzy opowiadania, Warszawa : Wydaw. imienia M. Brzezińskiego, 1917.
Robotnica [In:] Upominek : książka zbiorowa na cześć Elizy Orzeszkowej, Kraków, G. Gebethner i Spółka, 1893, s. 323-324.
Rózia, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1888, nr 58-181.
Ryngraf Miecznika, "Gazeta Warszawska", 1902, nr 177-180.
Siostry: powieść, "Biblioteka Warszawska", 1893, t. 1, s. 41-72; 217-255; 472-513; t. 3, 37-65; 241-267; 524-555.
Siostry: powieść, "Prawda", 1894, nr 34.
Siostry: powieść, Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1894. 
Staś, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1894, nr 289-297.
Straszna noc, "Biblioteka Warszawska", 1914, t. 3, s. 78-102; 273-297.
Urywki z pamiętnika, "Głos Lubelski", 1929, nr 122.
W Irlandii, "Gazeta Polska", 1882, nr 61-94.

W nowej ojczyźnie, Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, 1913.
W suchowskim dworze: powieść dla młodego wieku, Warszawa, nakład Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1904 [i.e. 1903].
Wspomnienia z Powstania Styczniowego 1863 roku w Woli Gałęzowskiej, "Lublin Kultura i Społeczeństwo", 2008, nr 1/2, s. 53-54.
Wydalona, „Tygodnik Illustrowany”, 1886, Serya 4, T. 8, nr 189, s. 102-106; nr 190, s. 118-121; nr 191, s. 138-139.
Wydalona, "Echo Przemyskie", 1902, nr 5-9.
Wydalona: obrazek z życia Polaków pod panowaniem pruskim, Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, 1919.
Z pamiętnika ornitologa, "Gazeta Polska (Warszawa)", 1891, nr 119-153.
Z pamiętnika ornitologa, "Przegląd (Lwów)", 1892, nr 62-124.
Z pamiętnika ornitologa, Kraków, Spółka Wydawnicza Polska, 1900.
Z prawdziwego zdarzenia, Kraków, nakł. Redakcyi "Przeglądu Polskiego", 1889.
głosem serca: opowiadanie z życia w W. Ks. Poznańskiem, Warszawa, Ksiegarnia Polska, 1919.

Za wiarę: prawdziwe zdarzenie z życia unitów, Warszawa, Księgarnia Polska, 1916., Wyd. 2 1919, 1927.
Znane dzieje: powieść, ( Ploteczka ; Niańta ; Piotr i Paweł), Warszawa, Gebethner i Wolff, 1896.
Zwycięztwo Heleny: powieść, Warszawa; Stopelle i Stan, 1875.

Published abroad
Vypověděná: obrázek z utrpení Poláků v Německu, překlad z pol. V.T. Kamejského, Praha, Cyrillo-Methodějská knihtisk.,1902.

Other works
O emancypacyi kobiet, „Przegląd Pedagogiczny“, 1884.
O wychowaniu macierzyńskiem, „Bluszcz”, 1881, nr 25-26.
O wychowaniu macierzyńskiém, Warszawa, M. Glücksberg, 1881.
O wychowaniu macierzyńskiem, „Kronika Rodzinna”, 1882, nr 20.
O wychowaniu macierzyńskiém, Warszawa : M. Glücksberg, 1894
Rzut oka na historyczny rozwój idei i równouprawnienia robót, "Przegląd Pedagogiczny", 1885, s. 529-543 ; 586-592 ; 751-766.


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DOI: 10.18778/8331-334-4
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Author biography: Wiktoria Świętuchowska




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