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Barbara Bandzarewicz

Barbara B

Barbara holds a master’s degree in Polish philology, and is an assistant researcher and lecturer in the Linguistics and Literature Institute at Siedlce University. She is currently working on a doctoral thesis dedicated to the works of Ewa Łuskina, a forgotten Polish female writer from the Młoda Polska literary period. She is the author of about a dozen academic articles and reviews, which are published in multi-author monographs and magazines, and a reviewer of a multi-author monograph. She has also participated in nationwide academic conferences, and her research concentrates on analyzing feminine prose from a critical feminist perspective and gender studies. Her research interests include avant garde and experimental prose.

Postgraduate B. Bandzarewicz has also been teaching Polish as a foreign language for a few years.
She leads Polish language classes for international students, and prepares and conducts exams for them (she is a member of the committee), she also works closely with the Center of Polish Language and Culture at Siedlce University where she operates as a counselor of the Academic Circle of Polish Scholars (Pol. Koło Naukowe Polonistów) which operates through IJiL at the University.

ORCID  Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Works dedicated to E. Łuskina
Młodopolskie miłośnice i okrutnice. Skrajne doświadczenia bohaterek utworów Ewy Łuskiny jako manifestacja obyczajowej odwagi, „Prace Literaturoznawcze”, 2022, nr 10, s. 237–249. DOI:10.31648/pl.7865
Mordercza kurtyzana - zjawisko prostytucji w "Masce żelaznej" Ewy Łuskiny, [W:] Literatura i prawo: związki i relacje, red. B. Walęciuk-Dejneka, Siedlce, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2023, s.15-35.

Studies / Academic works:
Wizja grozy w wybranych utworach Michała Choromańskiego, „Inskrypcje”, 2021, 2(17), s. 137-150. DOI:10.32017/ip2021.2.9
Czarny humor w prozie Michała Choromańskiego - wybrane przykłady, „Conversatoria Litteraria”, 2022, t. 16, s. 175–185. DOI:10.34739/clit.2022.16.12
Rozmaite oblicza młodości. Literatura - język – kultura, red. B. Bandzarewicz, Siedlce, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2023.

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