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Wiktoria Świętuchowska


Wiktoria is a graduate student with a master’s in fine arts and Polish philology with a specification in speech and language pathology at Siedlce University.
She is preparing her doctoral dissertation under the supervision of professor (PhD) Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka, which will include works of forgotten Polish writers.

She is the author of several scholarly articles, and her interests of study include psychological prose, forgotten Polish literature (relating to the artistic realm), prose about artists, art, and artistic life.
She is currently working on researching, discussing, and publicizing literary portraits of other lesser-known female writers.

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Works / Research dedicated to the Forgotten Polish Female Writers project:
Zofia Cieszkowska - portret pisarki :wystąpienie z referatem na V Białostockiej Letniej Szkole Historii Kobiet: Badania historii kobiet. Projekty indywidualne i zbiorowe, Organizator: Ośrodek Badań Historii Kobiet Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych, Białystok 2023.

Studies / Academic works:
Na Muszce” – motyw gwałtu w noweli „Krew” Mieczysława Srokowskiego, [In:] Literatura i prawo – związki i relacje, red. Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka, Siedlce 2023, s. 91-112.
Obraz relacji ojca i syna w powieści „Próchno” Wacława Berenta, "Conversatoria Litteraria", 2023, T. 17, s.109-119. DOI: 10.34739/clit.2023.17.08

In July of 2022, she defended her master’s thesis which consisted of a monograph of a biography, and works of the forgotten Polish writer Mieczysław Srokowski.

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