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Jacek Drążkiewicz



Jacek finished his undergraduate and master’s degree in management: managing small and medium sized enterprises, from the Faculty of Economic and Law Sciences at the University of Siedlce. Jacek is currently a doctoral student in the discipline of literature studies at Siedlce university. He is writing his dissertation under the supervision of Professor (PhD) Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka, entitled: Studenckie życie literackie i kulturalne w Siedlcach w latach 1977-2020 (Student literature and cultural life in Siedlce from 1977 to 2020), and is also the supervisor of the Siedlce University Cultural Center.

Jacek is primarily a lecturer and counselor for international students on a government stipend through the NAWA program, but he is also a member of the Nationwide Forum of Student Culture (Pol. Ogólnopolskie Forum Kultury Studenckiej), and an organizer of many concerts, art gallery openings, theatrical spectacles, exhibitions, recitals, academic and school choir performances, poetry readings, book-signing events, dance workshops, book promotions, and the student culture event Jackonalia. He is also a curator of individual and collective painting exhibitions at the art gallery “Arka” in Kraków, and the OJP art gallery in Siedlce.

Jacek’s research interests include academic culture, student culture, and artistic life and literature. In terms of the Forgotten Polish Female Writers project, Jacek offers support by filming short videos and taking photos which serve to promote and publicize our efforts to the outside world.

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Studies / Academic works:

2022 – udział w Białostockiej Letniej Szkole Historii Kobiet w ramach projektu MEiN - Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki (udział w warsztatach naukowych);

2024 – udział w konferencji warsztatowej: Prawa kobiet w dokumentach krajowych i międzynarodowych w ramach projektu MNiSW - Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki; (wystąpienie z referatem: Postrzeganie i udział kobiet w konkursach literackich Warszawy w drugiej połowie XIX wieku - szkic do badań. Komunikat);

2023 – udział w ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej: Kultura studencka – kultura akademicka: tradycja i współczesność, Kraków, Uniwersytet Ingatianum;

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